Udayana University Visited Unpad to Learn Academic Information System Management

[Unpad.ac.id, 18/11/2016] A number of leaders and staff of Bali’s Udayana University visited Universitas Padjadjaran, Friday (18/11). Visits were made in order to find out more about the academic information system used in Unpad.

Sekretaris Direktorat Pendidikan dan Kemahasiswaan Unpad, Ahmad Baehaqi, S.Si., M.T., saat menerima kunjungan delegasi Universitas Udayana di Ruang Rapat Bersama Gedung Rektorat Unpad Kampus Jatinangor, Jumat (18/11). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
Secretary of Director of Education and Student Affairs Unpad, Ahmad Baehaqi, S.Si., M.T., welcoming the delegation of the Udayana University in the Joint Meeting Room Rectorate Building Campus Jatinangor, Friday (18/11). (Photo by Tedi Yusup) *

Unud delegation was received by Secretary of the Directorate of Education and Student Affairs Unpad, Ahmad Baehaqi, S.Si., MT, Head of the Division of Learning Management Unpad, Nendar Amirulloh Permana, S.Si., MT, Head of the Division of Stages Joint Preparation and Field Work Experience Padjadjaran Irmansyah Arief, S. Sos., M.Sc., as well as the staff of the Directorate of Education and Student Affairs Irma Nuraini, MT, at the Joint Meeting room Rectorate Building Jatinangor.

The group of Unud were First Vice Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. I Made Damriyasa, DVM., M.S., Deans of several faculties in Udayana University, Academic Administration Bureau staff, as well as staff of Information Resources Unit (USDI) Unud.

“We want to get more information related to matters what has been done in Unpad. This is a lesson for our future,” said Prof. Damriyasa.

On the occasion, Ahmad Baehaqi presented the material on the Integrated Administration Information System (SIAT), Universitas Padjadjaran, the entry procedure and the flow of new student registration, as well as provisions Tuition Single (UKT) applied at Universitas Padjadjaran.

The next presentation was Nendar’s regarding the graduation process in Unpad. Nendar said that Universitas Padjadjaran graduation procession was held four times a year and produced about 10,000 graduates in four of the procession. The delegation was shown video footage about the graduation ceremony at Unpad.

The next presentation was conducted by Arief related to the implementation of the Field Work Experience at Padjadjaran University. In his presentation, Arief said that the implementation of service learning in Unpad termed Student Field Work Experience (KKNM) Program Community Service-Lecturer (PPMD) Integrative. KKNM implementation itself is integrated with the program Professor EntersVillage, where the professors Unpad go directly implement community service program as well as a companion Lecturer Fields (DPL) for participants KKNM. *

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh

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