Kemristekdikti Supported Professors To Increase International Scientific Publication

[, 6/10/2016] The Government through the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education continues to encourage professors’ scientific publications by professors. This encouragement is based on the still low number of scientific publications professor at the international level.

Rektor Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad (kiri) dan Dirjen Sumber Daya, Iptek, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Kemenristekdikti, Prof. Ali Ghufron Mukti, PhD, dalam Diskusi Publik Forum Asia Afrika “Profesor dan Publikasi Ilmiah” di Kantor HU Pikiran Rakyat, Bandung, Kamis (6/10). (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)*
Rector, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad (left) and Director General of Resources, Science and Higher Education Kemenristekdikti, Prof. Ali Ghufron Mukti, PhD, in a Public Discussion Forum Asia Africa “Professor and Scientific Publications” at the Office of the HU Pikiran Rakyat, Bandung, Thursday (6/10). (Photo by: Dadan T.) *

“The number of international publications Indonesia is much lower than the number of publications country of Malaysia. We have at least 5,188 professors,” said Director General of Resources, Science and Higher Education Kemenristekdikti, Prof. Ali Ghufron Mukti, PhD, in a Public Discussion Forum Asia Africa “Professor and Scientific Publications” at the Office of the HU Pikiran Rakyat, Bandung, Thursday (6/10).

The public discussion was held with participants of HU Pikiran Rakyat leaders, professors, and lecturers from various universities. Besides Prof. Ali, the speaker in the discussion are Rector Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, as well as Islam Nusantara University Rector, Dr. Suhendra Yusuf, M.A., moderated by lecturer of Fikom Unpad, Dr. Antar Venus, M.A.Comm.

Prof. Ali said that with changes in the bureaucratic management of professorships, the number of professors in Indonesia increased dramatically from only 4,700 at the end of 2015. This change was based because of the perceived difficulty of handling professor, which has been taken a considerable time.

The ease of obtaining a professorship is also charged with the responsibility to develop their science. “If we want to improve the quality of our higher education, the number of professors should be plenty. Development of the study program could not do without their professors, “says Professor of the Faculty of Medicine UGM.

humas-unpad-2016_10_06-profesor-dan-publikasi-ilmiah-1-dadanhumas-unpad-2016_10_06-profesor-dan-publikasi-ilmiah-3-dadanHowever, Prof. Ali said that many of the professors who had been professor and then became unproductive. Therefore, Kemenristekdikti reminded professor to improve their research productivity.

By contrast, Malaysia has pushed the productivity of professors to produce at least two international publications in one year. This made Malaysia as the country with the highest number of scientific publications in the ASEAN region. Indonesia, said Prof. Ali, should be able to produce more scientific publications.

“We are making it easy for lecturers to become a professor, after that, please be productive,” added Prof. Ali.

Meanwhile the Rector argues that the power of a professor is actually of being the leader of the academic activity. Encouraging professors Unpad to open up and involve in developing science do this.

In relation with increase in scientific publications, the Rector said that aspect of cooperation between disciplines is the key growing number of scientific publications. According to the Rector, the challenges in facing higher education is impossible without interaction or cooperation transdisciplinary science.

“Transdisciplinary is also a facility for research. It is not easy for us to conduct research or publications; the approach is more on ourselves. If we look from a variety of publications in reputable media, entirely definitely use a multidisciplinary approach, “said Rector. *

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh

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